Updated as of 01/09/2024

No, booking is not required and and tickets can be purchased directly at the ticket office.

Yes, tickets can be purchased directly at the ticket office, from Tuesday to Sunday without the need for booking.

Tickets purchased using the Teacher Bonus or App18 can only be bought exclusively on the TicketoOne website, and must be purchased at least 48 hours before your visit, following the steps below:

  1. Generate a voucher equal to or greater than the total amount of your order.
  2. Select your ticket.
  3. Complete the purchase by entering your voucher code during the online checkout process.

The TicketOne ticket is a skip-the-line ticket.

The Open-Dated Ticket (OPEN) allows you to visit the exhibition once at any time and on any day during the exhibition’s open dates, including holidays and weekends, until the exhibition closes.

Usually, the visit takes 60 to 70 minutes

By foot:
  • 6 minutes from Piazza Maggiore: proceed along Via Ugo Bassi; at the end of the street, you’ll start on Via San Felice.
  • 15 minutes from the Central Station (approximately 1.2 km): take Via Amendola, continue straight through the roundabout onto Via Marconi, and at the end of the road, you’ll start on Via San Felice.
Public transportation and taxi:
  • From the Central Station, take Bus 21 on Via Amendola and get off after 4 stops, at the end of Via Marconi. Then, continue on foot for 2 minutes to Via San Felice.
  • From the airport, take the shuttle to the Central Station, then catch Bus 21 on Via Amendola. Get off after 4 stops, at the end of Via Marconi, and walk for 2 minutes to Via San Felice.
  • Taxi Bologna 0510909 
  • Blue Car Service with driver 0516646666

No, but there are unstaffed coat racks available.

The ticket office, exhibition, and bookshop are located on the first floor, and the entire exhibition route is on the same floor.

Access for individuals with limited mobility or wheelchair users is available exclusively via a Jolly Ramp D3000010 tracked stair lift provided by TGR, which has a capacity of up to 140 kg (weight calculated between person and wheelchair, with the weight to be reported by the visitor) for two sets of stairs totaling 38 steps.

The complete technical specification can be downloaded and viewed at the following link http://tgr.it/it/prodotti/jolly-ramp/

Yes, the exhibition is suitable for all age groups?

To book a visit for a group or school, simply send an email to: info@palazzopallavicini.com

Only small pets are allowed if carried in arms or in a carrier, as well as guide dogs for disabilities.

Foto degli interni di Palazzo Pallavicini